Explicit phonemic awareness and phonics instruction come together in our new K-2 foundational skills curriculum!
Download Assessments and Resources
↓ Early Pre-K Sample Lessons
↓ Pre-K Sample
↓ Kindergarten Sample
↓ Primary Sample
↓ Primary Extension Sample
↓ Bridge the Gap Sample Lessons
↓ Spanish Pre-K Sample Lessons
↓ Spanish Kindergarten Sample
↓ Spanish Primary Sample
Decodable Books
↓ Toucan Series: 2nd Grade & Up
↓ Frog Series: 1st Grade
↓ Hand Motion Videos
↓ Hand Motions Guide (English)
↓ Hand Motions Guide (Spanish)
↓ Alphabet Flashcards (English)
↓ Alphabet Flashcards (Spanish)
↓ Alphabet Chart (English)
↓ Alphabet Chart (Spanish)
↓ Blends & Digraphs Flashcards
↓ Advanced Vowels Flashcards
↓ Fidelity Checklist (English)
↓ Fidelity Checklist (Spanish)
↓ Amigos: Decodable Books (Spanish)
↓ The Educator's Science of Reading Glossary
↓ 2020-2022 Edition Alignment Guide
↓ Heggerty 2022: Late Start Implementation Guide
↓ ELL Lesson Templates for Foundational Skills
↓ Dual Language: Metalinguistic Instruction Guide for 2022
↓ Modified Sequence for dual language: Alternating weeks of instruction
↓ Downloadable slides for curriculum night (Click to download automatically)
↓ Elkonin Box Template
↓ Spanish Primary Extension Guide for Intermediate Grades
These student assessments can be used to monitor student progress with phonological and phonemic awareness skills, and the results can be used to plan for instruction. The Heggerty Phonemic Awareness assessments are not required to teach the curriculum.
Please note: English assessments were updated August 2021 to align to the digital assessments now available on myHeggerty. For the previous version of the English assessments, please scroll to the bottom of the page and open the archive folder.
Pre-Kindergarten Assessments:
↓ Form A
↓ Form B
↓ Form C
Kindergarten Assessments:
↓ Form A
↓ Form B
↓ Form C
Primary Assessments:
↓ Form A
↓ Form B
↓ Form C
Progress Monitoring Assessments:
Progress monitoring assessments for individual phonemic awareness skills can be used to gather data about a students’ progress. These assessments can be administered throughout the school year to students in Kindergarten, 1st or 2nd grade. Specific lessons from the Kindergarten and Primary curriculum are listed on each assessment, to assist teachers with planning for instruction.
↓ Initial Phoneme Isolation
↓ Final Phoneme Isolation
↓ Medial Phoneme Isolation
↓ Blending Syllables
↓ Blending Body Coda and Onset Rime
↓ Blending Phonemes
↓ Segmenting into Syllables
↓ Segmenting Onset-Rime
↓ Segmenting into Phonemes
↓ Adding Syllables
↓ Adding Initial or Final Phonemes
↓ Substituting Initial, Final, and Medial Phonemes
↓ Deleting Syllables
↓ Deleting Initial or Final Phonemes
↓ Deleting Initial Phonemes - Extra
These student assessments can be used to monitor student progress with phonological and phonemic awareness skills, and the results can be used to plan for instruction. The Heggerty Phonemic Awareness assessments are not required to teach the curriculum.
Please note: Spanish Pre-K assessments were updated August 2021 to align to the digital assessments now available on myHeggerty. For the previous version of the Pre-K assessments, please scroll to the bottom of the page and open the archive folder.
Pre-Kindergarten Assessments:
↓ Formulario A
↓ Formulario B
↓ Formulario C
Kindergarten Assessments:
↓ Formulario A: nivel básico
↓ Formulario A: nivel avanzado
↓ Formulario B: nivel básico
↓ Formulario B: nivel avanzado
↓ Formulario C: nivel básico
↓ Formulario C: nivel avanzado
Primary Assessments:
↓ Formulario A: nivel básico
↓ Formulario A: nivel avanzado
↓ Formulario B: nivel básico
↓ Formulario B: nivel avanzado
↓ Formulario C: nivel básico
↓ Formulario C: nivel avanzado
Spanish Assessments:
↓ Spanish Progress Monitoring
These student assessments can be used to monitor student progress with phonological and phonemic awareness skills, and the results can be used to plan for instruction. The Australian Heggerty Phonemic Awareness assessments are not required to teach the curriculum.
Kindergarten Assessments:
↓ Kindergarten Baseline Phonemic Awareness Assessment
↓ Kindergarten End of Year Phonemic Awareness Assessment
Foundation Year Assessments:
↓ Foundation Baseline Phonemic Awareness Assessment
↓ Foundation Mid Year Phonemic Awareness Assessment
↓ Foundation End of Year Phonemic Awareness Assessment
1st Grade Assessments:
↓ 1st Grade Baseline Phonemic Awareness Assessment
↓ 1st Grade Mid Year Phonemic Awareness Assessment
↓ 1st Grade End of Year Phonemic Awareness Assessment
Screener Assessments for 2nd Grade and Above:
The Phonemic Awareness Screener assessment was created to help teachers determine if phonemic awareness should be included as part of a reading intervention plan for a student in 2nd grade and above. Students who struggle to decode words in print or who struggle to encode words when writing may benefit from explicit phonemic awareness instruction. The skills included in this assessment are aligned to the Primary level of the Phonemic Awareness curriculum.
↓ 2nd Grade or Above PA Intervention Screening
The Heggerty Phonemic Awareness curricula align to the Phonological Awareness standards for Kindergarten and 1st grade, under the Foundational Skills standards for both grade levels. Many states have their own state standards, and many states use the Common Core State Standards for Phonological Awareness when planning classroom instruction. Educators can find an alignment document for Kindergarten and 1st-grade CCSS and the Heggerty Phonemic Awareness curriculum, as well as an alignment document for Florida (LAFS) and Texas standards (TEKS).
The Kindergarten and Primary Spanish curricula align with the Common Core State Standards for Phonological Awareness, and these alignment documents are included below.
↓ CCSS — English Kindergarten
↓ CCSS – Spanish Kindergarten 2020
↓ CCSS – Spanish 2022
↓ CCSS — English 1st Grade
↓ CCSS – Spanish 1st Grade
Each state has their own Pre-Kindergarten standards or Transitional Kindergarten standards, and our Literacy Specialists can provide educators with an alignment document by request via email We have provided a crosswalk of the Heggerty Pre-K lessons and The Creative Curriculum© . Documents that show the alignment of our Pre- Kindergarten curriculum and the Florida and California Pre-Kindergarten standards can be downloaded using the links below.
↓ California Standards – English Pre-Kindergarten
↓ Florida Standards (LAFS) – English Pre-Kindergarten
↓ Alignment for Creative Curriculum
Additional Standards:
↓ Head Start
↓ Florida Standards (BEST) — English Kindergarten
↓ Florida Standards (BEST) — English 1st Grade
↓ TEKS — English Kindergarten
↓ TEKS — English 1st & 2nd Grade
↓ Early Pre-K Parent Newsletters
↓ Pre-K Parent Newsletters
↓ Pre-K Parent Newsletters (2022)
↓ Kindergarten Parent Newsletters
↓ Kindergarten Parent Newsletters (2022)
↓ Primary Parent Newsletters
↓ Primary Parent Newsletters (2022)
↓ Spanish Pre-K Parent Newsletters
↓ Spanish Pre-K Parent Newsletters - English Translation
↓ Spanish Kindergarten Parent Newsletters
↓ Spanish Kindergarten Parent Newsletters - English Translation
↓ Spanish Primary Parent Newsletters
↓ Spanish Primary Parent Newsletters - English Translation
↓ Foundation Parent Newsletters
↓ Kindergarten Parent Newsletters
↓ Primary Parent Newsletters
↓ Pentucket Regional School District: Advancing Literacy Scores By Connecting Phonemic Awareness and Phonics
Assessment Archive
These student assessments can be used to monitor student progress with phonological and phonemic awareness skills, and the results can be used to plan for instruction. The Heggerty Phonemic Awareness assessments are not required to teach the curriculum.
Pre-Kindergarten Assessments:
↓ Pre-K Baseline Phonemic Awareness Assessment
↓ Pre-K End of Year Phonemic Awareness Assessment
↓ Letter Identification and Sounds Assessment
Kindergarten Assessments:
↓ Kindergarten Baseline Phonemic Awareness Assessment
↓ Kindergarten Mid Year Phonemic Awareness Assessment
↓ Kindergarten End of Year Phonemic Awareness Assessment
1st Grade Assessments:
↓ 1st Grade Baseline Phonemic Awareness Assessment
↓ 1st Grade Mid Year Phonemic Awareness Assessment
↓ 1st Grade End of Year Phonemic Awareness Assessment
These student assessments can be used to monitor student progress with phonological and phonemic awareness skills, and the results can be used to plan for instruction. The Heggerty Phonemic Awareness assessments are not required to teach the curriculum.
Pre-Kindergarten Assessments:
↓ Spanish Pre-K Baseline Assessment
↓ Spanish Pre-K End of Year Assessment
↓ Letter Identification and Sounds Assessment
Kindergarten Assessments:
↓ Spanish Kindergarten Baseline Assessment
↓ Spanish Kindergarten Mid-Year Assessment
↓ Spanish Kindergarten End of Year Assessment
1st Grade Assessments:
↓ Spanish 1st Grade Baseline Phoneme Assessment
↓ Spanish 1st Grade Baseline Phonological Syllable Assessment
↓ Spanish 1st Grade Mid Year Phoneme Assessment
↓ Spanish 1st Grade Mid Year Phonological Syllable Assessment
↓ Spanish 1st Grade End of Year Assessment