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Spanish ABC Letter Cards
SKU: 321020
ISBN: 978-1-947260-36-8
This card pack includes 32 beautifully illustrated letter sound cards for teaching the Letter Naming/Alphabet Knowledge activities during a Heggerty Phonemic Awareness lesson. This card pack matches the activities listed in the Spanish Pre-K, Kindergarten, and Primary curricula.
The card pack includes:
- Letter sound cards for all 27 letters of the Spanish alphabet
- Letter sound cards with fancy ‘a’ and fancy ‘g’ for print recognition
- Letter sounds cards with the digraphs ‘ch’, ‘ll’, and ‘rr’ and the hard and soft sounds of ‘c’ and ‘g’
- Multiple cards with multiple illustrations to amplify your students’ vocabulary; including both cognates and more common classroom vocabulary.
- Different colored borders to distinguish vowel sounds, same sounds in both English and Spanish, and sounds particular to Spanish.
nice, colorful, useful
nice cards
Good item
Love the size and quality